Buy or Sell Bitcoin with Cash at our ATM in Prairie Mall
Directions to Prairie Mall
Prairie Mall
11801 100 St
Grande Prairie Alberta T8V 3Y2
Grande Prairie Alberta T8V 3Y2
About Prairie Mall
Located in Grande Prairie, in the heart of northern Alberta Peace Region, Prairie Mall is the only enclosed shopping centre north of Edmonton. Grande Prairie has a primary trading area of 70,000 and a secondary area of 200,000 which encompasses a 250 km radius that covers northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta.
How to find the machine
The machine is located in the foodcourt area, near Mr. Pretzel’s.
Hours of operation
Monday | |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | |
Friday | |
Saturday | |
Sunday |
ATM Pictures and Mall location
Check out our image gallery below so you know what the machine looks like and where exactly is it inside the mall.
Prairie Mall
11801 100 St
Grande Prairie Alberta T8V 3Y2
Grande Prairie Alberta T8V 3Y2
Monday | |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | |
Friday | |
Saturday | |
Sunday |